As an Associate Director of ITOT Integration, you will play a crucial role in overseeing the integration of shop floor equipment with IT and OT systems across various domains. Your main responsibility will be to ensure the efficient flow of data from the shop floor to the enterprise level. Working alongside a team of experts, you will be responsible for coordinating and implementing the necessary middleware setup to facilitate data transfer. This will involve defining data points based on specific business requirements and industry best practices. In addition, you will oversee the configuration of end-to-end interfaces and conduct thorough interface qualification processes. Your goal will be to establish and maintain operational stability throughout the integration process.
Your role will be instrumental in enabling the effective integration of shop floor equipment with IT and OT systems, ensuring accurate and reliable data availability at the enterprise level.
Odgovornost za nadzor integracije opreme s proizvodne linije z IT in OT sistemi v različnih domenah. Zagotavljanje učinkovitega pretoka podatkov s proizvodne linije do podjetja. V sodelovanju s skupino strokovnjakov odgovornost za usklajevanje in implementacijo ustrezne rešitve za izmenjavo podatkov, vključno z določanjem podatkovnih točk glede na specifične poslovne zahteve in najboljše prakse v panogi. Nadzorovanje konfiguracije vmesnikov in izvajanje temeljitega procesa kvalifikacije vmesnikov. Vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje operativne stabilnosti med celotnim postopkom integracije. Vloga je ključna pri omogočanju učinkovite integracije opreme s proizvodne linije z IT in OT sistemi, kar zagotavlja, da so podjetju dostopni natančni in zanesljivi podatki.
About the Role
Key Responsibilities:
- Proactively shape roadmap (3-5y horizon) for the area of given responsibility and ensures that Roadmap is aligned with Business priorities.
- Execute strategy for business systems, platforms and processes for a particular Business domain / Function.
- Accountable for Program, project and product delivery to the business.
- Help business to understand their choices to manage technology cost.
- Partner with Countries or Sites (where applicable) in respect to country/site roadmaps balancing global and local investments and business needs.
- Ensure on time within budget compliant secure and quality delivery of portfolio for responsible area.
- Ensure that governance structure for projects, operations, etc. is in place and followed, with right stakeholder representation.
- Follow industry trends and emerging practices to drive agility, speed, efficiency and effectiveness.
- Ensure the overall user experience is considered when designing deploying new solutions or services and steady state operations.
- Ensure adherence to Security and Compliance policies and procedures.
- Govern underpinning ITOT services in the delivery and support of the ITOT solutions.
- Manage application and system lifecycle management, data consistency, portfolio optimization and continual improvements
- Contribute to transformation initiatives using the latest technology stack
- Ensure that teams Objective are in-place and aligned with the overall DDIT and Business objectives
- Responsible for managing direct reports and overseeing their day-to-day tasks, talent development, resource planning, etc.
Glavne odgovornosti:
- Proaktivno oblikovanje načrta (3-5 letna vizija) za področje dane odgovornosti in skrb za usklajenost načrta s poslovnimi prioritetami,
- Izvajanje strategije za poslovne sisteme, platforme in procese za določeno poslovno področje / funkcijo,
- Dostava programov, projektov in izdelkov podjetju,
- Pomoč poslovanju pri razumevanju možnosti upravljanja stroškov tehnologije,
- Sodelovanje z državami ali lokaciji (po potrebi) glede na načrt države/lokacije in uravnoteženje globalnih ter lokalnih naložb in potreb podjetja,
- Zagotavljanje, da je v okviru projektov, operacij itd. vzpostavljena in upoštevana ustrezna upravna struktura s pravo zastopanostjo deležnikov,
- Sledenje trendom v industriji in nastajajočim praksam, da se spodbudi agilnost, hitrost, učinkovitost in uspešnost,
- Zagotavljanje, da je celotna uporabniška izkušnja upoštevana pri načrtovanju, implementaciji novih rešitev ali storitev ter pri stalnem delovanju,
- Zagotavljanje skladnosti s politikami in postopki varnosti in skladnosti,
- Upravljanje osnovne ITOT storitve pri dostavi in podpori ITOT rešitev,
- Upravljanje življenjskega cikla aplikacij in sistemov, doslednosti podatkov, optimizacije portfelja in nenehnih izboljšav,
- Sodelovanje pri transformacijskih pobudah z uporabo najnovejše tehnološke zbirke,
- Zagotavljanje, da so cilji ekipe vzpostavljeni in usklajeni z glavnimi cilji DDIT ter podjetja,
- Odgovornost za upravljanje neposredne ekipe in nadzor vsakodnevnih nalog, razvoj talentov, načrtovanje resursov itd.
Essential Requirements:
- 10 years of experience in delivering global solutions to the customers, preferably in the aera of manufacturing
- 5 years of experience in direct and/or indirect people management
- Working experience in a GxP environment
- Relationship Management.
- Leveraging digital technology / big data.
- Influencing without authority.
- Collaborating across boundaries.
- Interactions with senior management.
- Fluent English (written and verbal)
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Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining to achieve breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. Ready to create a brighter future together? https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture
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